G. Visions

We envision an upper area that is welcoming and informative.  It will include a stepping stone for the front corner surrounded by bear grass to both decorate the area and give people a way to cut the corner without degrading the site.  The addition of other native plants such a gooseberry will also help to make a pleasing presentation.  A standing map briefly describing the Longhouse Garden areas would give all a greater understanding of the wonders to be seen.

We envision a lower area inviting one to enter the Longhouse.  We want to paint the garbage can so it melts into its surroundings.  Keeping the area tended is also important.

We envision a Cascara grove free of grass, where wild strawberry and fireweed can find room to grow and branch out.  There will be pinecone feeders for the hungry local birds.  There will be a path leading from the sidewalk to the water spigot on the side of the building.

We envision the Decorative Areas as inviting one to explore further, to see what the rest of the Ethnobotanical Garden has to offer.

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